About Me

It was in 2018 when I bought my first camera. Back then to take photos of a few portraits and concerts. I got to know other photographers in the crew at various festivals in my area. Together with them I did a big photo tour in the Elbe Sandstone Mountains at the beginning of 2019. Since then, I've been passionate about landscape photography. Only since then have I started hiking and taking photos regularly in the nearby Harz Mountains. With increasing interest, I taught myself more and more and expanded my photo equipment. A big change came with my first drone, which I bought in December 2019. That changed my whole feeling for photography again. I created presets in Lightroom and continuously developed my editing. More and more often my photo trips took me all over Germany and more often to the Harz Mountains. In mid-2020 I was able to handle the first small collaborations with local companies.

Kompass Karten - Dein Augenblick Harz - ISBN: 3990449923
Mein Foto - Blogpost 5 Fotospots im Harz
Previous Collaborations
Kompass Karten Verlag
Harzkind Shop
Mein Foto
Naturtraum Georgshöhe
Landscape and outdoor product photos.
Collaborations and Ambrassors.
Blogposting, interviews and photo coaching.